Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

Pressure Mounts on Poland’s Tusk to Deliver on Social Transformation

Poland’s Tusk
Poland’s Tusk
Poland’s Tusk
Poland’s Tusk

Polish activists are cautiously optimistic about the prospect of a new government putting an end to the regression in gender rights that marked the eight-year rule of the nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) party. Despite the October 15 election results favoring opposition groupings like the Civic Coalition, Third Way, and the Left, concerns linger among civic rights groups that issues such as abortion and LGBTQ+ discrimination might not be prioritized by the incoming administration.

The coalition, set to be led by former Prime Minister Donald Tusk, is expected to take office next month after the almost certain failure of PiS’s attempt to win a vote of confidence. Anticipation for substantial change is running high, with promises to address conflicts with the EU, overhaul state media and PiS-aligned entities, investigate the outgoing government, and foster improved relations with the Catholic Church and European allies.

In addition to these broad goals, the coalition pledges to enhance women’s rights, combat hate speech against the LGBTQ+ community, reverse a 2020 abortion rights decision, and focus on education and healthcare. A recent parliamentary bill signaling change seeks to restore funding for in vitro procedures, previously blocked by the PiS government. The Left has also proposed bills to liberalize abortion laws, awaiting analysis for compatibility with EU regulations.

However, activists express concerns that the new government’s extensive agenda may sideline their specific causes. While acknowledging the need to address corruption, judicial crises, and freedom of speech issues, advocacy coordinators stress the importance of ensuring women’s rights are not overlooked. A sense of vigilance prevails, particularly regarding access to safe abortion, deemed a “matter of life and death” for women.

Campaigners for LGBTQ+ rights cautiously hope for an end to years of setbacks under the Civic Coalition. Yet, they find it concerning and somewhat discouraging that some argue for the government to focus on broader challenges rather than issues like LGBTQ+ or abortion rights. Emphasizing that people voted for a different vision beyond merely ousting PiS, activists remain watchful of the incoming government’s commitments.

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